Thursday, 15 November 2012

Les Misérables

By no means a game, but certainly a very good musical, a film of Victor Hugo's massive work is due to hit cinemas this Christmas.  And yes, it's in musical format, because anything about poor urchins from the past has to be musical.  I mean, look at Annie, or Oliver!.

Check out the trailer here.

It's not all urchins of course.  There's something of a love story, and plenty of tragic stories.  Tales of redemption sought and lost, comic grotesques and a revolution.  But the angle that this particular trailer has gone for has been the crushing of dreams, followed by the statement 'The Dream Lives'.

So the cynic in me has instantly made comparisons with the American Dream, and the slight fear over in the US that the best times are all gone, and that the new generation are to be the first to end up worse off than their parents.  The American Dream is damaged, much like Fantine's.  Yet, as at the end of the trailer, there's still some hope for a resurrection, that future prosperity (or at least, redemption) is still possible, if only through your children.

Is that accurate?  I don't know, but the film is certain to do very well at the box office.  Definitely one I'd recommend seeing, for even if the potency of the songs may be lost a little, the acting will be even better than that of the West End.

Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman and that amazing story...Mmm...

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